Welcome to the Huang Lab at Stanford.The protein design field took ten years to find a foothold in designing de novo structures (i.e. achieving full control of modeling protein backbones and sequences) and finally matured as suggested by the recent wave of publications such that we are now closer to achieving atomic-precision design of custom-made protein structures to address biomedical problems. Many challenges remain, as we are still far from achieving the complexity and functionality that nature displays.
We are building a strong interdisciplinary research program to bridge this gap. Our research combines both computational and experimental aspects of protein engineering. Find our lab on Twitter @possuhuanglab |
Internal Lab Page
We're located in the Shriram Center for Bioengineering at Stanford,
sharing a lab space together with the Bintu Lab.
News from the lab!
We are excited to announce that TRACeR I and TRACeR II are now published to Nature Biotechnology!
Congratulations to Haotian, who successfully defended her PhD thesis!
Welcome to Josh, who is joining the lab as a Visting Student Researcher from ETH Zürich!
Protpardelle: an all atom protein generative model, is now published to PNAS
Welcome to Hyejin, Wyatt, and Yilin, who are joining the lab as PhD students!
Congratulations to Andres, who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
Our method, Protpardelle: an all-atom protein generative model, is now posted to bioRxiv
Congratulations to Alex, who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
Our method, the Sculptor algorithm, is now posted to bioRxiv.
Congratulations to Raphael, who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
Welcome to Braxton, who is joining the lab as a PhD student!
Welcome to Gina, who is joining the lab as a PhD student!
Our protein sequence designer paper is published to Nature Communications!
Welcome to Jingjia, who is joining the lab as a PhD student!
Congratulations to Namrata, who successfully defended her PhD thesis!
Our study on generative modeling of immunoglobulin proteins is posted to bioRxiv.
Welcome to Christian, who is joining the lab as a PhD student! He will be jointly advised by Rhiju Das.
Welcome to Carla, who is joining the lab as a PhD student!
Raphael's model for evaluating protein structures is posted on bioRxiv as a preprint.
Namrata's work is accepted to NeurIPS 2018, a major deep learning conference.
Welcome to Alex, who is joining the lab as a PhD student!
Congratulations to Shankara, who is starting his new job at the Broad Institute!
Namrata presents her generator work at ICLR 2018.
Congratulations to Jamin, who is starting a new lab at Hongik University!
Welcome to Kirsten and Shankara, who have joined the lab as masters students/research associates.
Raphael, Andres, and Namrata join the lab as the first grad students!